Explora nuestros cursos generales

Explora nuestros cursos generales clasificados por categorías para encontrar la formación que necesitas. Haz clic en una categoría para ver los cursos que se ofrecen.

📋 CEC100 – Cursos generales
  • ADM101 – Habilidades para el empleo
  • ANT101 – Terminología médica
  • CEC104 – Inglés para profesionales de la salud
💆‍♂️ CEC200 – Cursos de Masaje y Terapia Corporal
  • CEC201 – Introducción al masaje
  • CEC202 – Técnicas avanzadas de terapia corporal
  • CEC203 – Anatomía y fisiología para masajes
🦷 CEC300 – Cursos de Tecnología Dental
  • CEC301 – Asistente de ortodoncia
  • CEC302 – Escaneo intraoral en 3D
  • CEC303 – Registro dental electrónico
  • DEA105 – Radiografía dental
🩺 CEC500 – Cursos de Medicina
  • MTH101 – Salud mental y neurología I
  • PHM101 – Principios de farmacología
  • PHM102 – Administración de medicamentos
📜 CEC600 – Repaso y preparación de licencia
  • CEC601 – Repaso para exámenes de asistentes médicos
  • CEC602 – Preparación para licencias estatales de técnicos dentales
💻 CEC700 – Cursos de Computación y Redes
  • CEC701 – Introducción a redes
  • CEC702 – Reparación y mantenimiento de computadoras
  • CEC703 – Conceptos básicos de ciberseguridad

¿Buscas un programa completo?

Si está interesado en un programa completo (como asistente dental, asistente médico, etc.), visite nuestra página de registro de programas.

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1. The cancellation or retirement must be done in person
2. All monies will be given back (Registration Fee + Tuition) if the school does not accept the applicant or if the student cancels within three (3rd) business days after signing the Enrollment Agreement and giving the initial payment. Books and Materials must be given back in good conditions or a fee will be applied.
3. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first class, will result in a refund of all monies paid (Tuition), with the exception of the Registration Fee (not to exceed $150.00).
4. Cancellation after attendance has begun, through 40% completion of the program Degree or Non Degree, will result in a pro rata refund computed on the number of Credits (Degree) or Hours (Non Degree) completed and the total program Credits (Degree) or Hours (Non Degree). The student will either receive a refund or the student must pay the due amount, but the Registration Fee in both cases is not refundable.
5. Cancellation after completing more than 40% of the program will result in no refund.
6. Termination Date. The termination date for refund or payment computation purposes is the earlier written notice received or the last date of actual attendance by the student. Books and Materials must be given back in good conditions. The loss, destruction or updating of the material and/or equipment will generate an additional charge $50.
7. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of Cancellation/ Suspension Form – E09.
8. A student can be dismissed, at the discretion of the Director, for insufficient progress, non-payment of costs, or failure to comply with rules.
9. If for any unavoidable reason the school (Florida Health Institute) needs to cancel a course or program, the student will be refunded in total.

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