Data Security Policies
FHI uses the best technology industry’s best practices to ensure that all personal data is kept secure from unauthorized access and from improper use by authorized users.
Data Breaches
Data breaches, whether caused through human error or malicious intent, will be reported to the Web designer, for investigation and reporting, as appropriate. Once a breach has been confirmed, designated staff will take appropriate steps, as outlined in the FHI Crisis Management Plan. Any questions about FHI’s data breach reporting process should be directed to the Web designee; via email to [email protected].
Use of Social Media
When customers are interacting with FHI’s staff, students accessing content via social media such as Facebook, X, etc., users should be aware that they are subject to the terms of use of these services. Customers should read and fully understand the privacy policies and terms of use of these services before accessing them.
Links to Third-Party Content or Websites
FHI bears no responsibility for the accuracy of third-party or user-generated content posted on its website and the opinions expressed by third parties and/or users are not necessarily those of FHI or its employees. When you are on our site you may link to other websites and other websites may contain links to FHI’s site. These other websites are not under FHI’s control and such links do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of those sites or the services offered by them. FHI is not responsible for the privacy policy, security practices, or content of such third-party websites.
Use of Information and Material
The information and material contained on this site, and the terms, conditions, and descriptions that appear, are subject to change at any time without notice. Any information or material on this site may be downloaded for review provided the user does so for their individual, non-commercial use. Such information or material may not be otherwise copied, edited, linked with, or used, in any other website, visual, print, or broadcast medium, without the express permission of FHI.
As a higher education institution, FHI may collect and process personal data for the purposes of providing information or services to data subjects, including but not limited to: admissions, advisement, billing, bookstore purchases/transactions, communications, contracts with third-party vendors, employment, delivery of instruction, enrollment, financial aid assistance, promoting degree programs of potential interest to data subjects, payroll, records retention, registration, social media platforms, transcripts, tuition assistance, tutoring, etc.
Lawful Basis for Collecting and Processing Personal Data
FHI has determined the categories listed below may apply when collecting and processing personal data:
- Consent: The data subject has given consent for FHI to process his or her personal data for a specific purpose.
- Legitimate Interests:The processing is necessary for FHI’s legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party.
Student Records Retention
The Office of Registrar is responsible for providing a centralized imaging function for creating the student’s electronic file and for maintaining, retrieving, and disposing of paper and electronic records. This is done in compliance with state and federal laws guidelines for the retention of student records.